Let's modernize your mail management and mail tracking using ECM software

Every day, your company or organization receives a large volume of mail in paper or electronic format.

Manual distribution of mail combined with a multiplication of incoming channels (paper mail, electronic registered mail, e-mail, forms, telephone, etc.) is a causeerrors and mistakes and does not ensure an efficient management of the processing.

Therefore, this kind of manual sorting organization, distribution, printing and archiving often leads to :

risk management

Losses or oversights causing delays

Errors in document classification

time to market

Costs related to manual processing, sorting and distribution of mail

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Increased efficiency with mail tracking software

Electronic mail tracking within a private or public organisation is a critical activity that requires an end-to-end tracking and processing procedure.

Using mail management software, you have a unique interface to access the mail to be processed. You can annotate each letter using collaborative tools and online editing. Outgoing mail tracking is automated, as is all correspondence.

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Reduce your operational risks with secure mail delivery

Delivery is tracked using dashboards. It is therefore easy to track the mail depending on the department, the type (simple, registered letter, acknowledgement of receipt, email, etc.), the nature, the origin, or the urgency. An electronic signature system is available to sign outgoing letters. Your mail is tracked securely.

Why choose Efalia Suite?

With our mail tracking solution you have a simple and intuitive application that will facilitate the daily life of users in the delivery, processing and management of all incoming and outgoing mail. The incoming mail delivery workflow will apply depending on your organisational structure. Each department is informed and can track mail more easily. The solution proposes automations so you can generate an outgoing reply letter directly using templates. Do you then want to archive the mail? Our DMS module is available as is our digital safe, to store and secure your content.

Request a demo

Because a demo is worth a thousand words, contact our digitisation experts for a personalised demonstration of our solutions.

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