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Enterprise Content Management

Enterprise data and documents are part of the company's assets. To unlock the value of this information, you can rely on an enterprise content management solution.

What is Enterprise Content Management ?

To make your organisation more efficient, to satisfy your customers more widely and to keep your staff on board, you need perfect availability of information, adjusted document processes and automated processing.

Therefore, the use of a document management system (DMS) is no longer sufficient. Only an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system can take you to the next level.

Such a tool gives you full control over all enterprise content (documents, structured and unstructured data) and the related workflows, regardless of the transmission or reception channels.

This is the reason why such a tool meets all business issues: accounting, human resources, finance, legal or even sales…

time to market

Productivity and efficiency

value chain

Governance and organisation


Customer satisfaction

Security & compliance

An enterprise content management platform:
for what needs and to do what?

An ECM is a versatile tool that addresses key organisational issues.

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Centralise enterprise content

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data classification


Structure and automate document processes

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data share


Circulate enterprise content

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Ensure the security of enterprise content

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Centralise enterprise content

Do you have lost, misplaced or duplicated content in different software or applications and in different versions? Are your teams becoming less efficient and productive as the amount of data in your organisation grows?

An enterprise content management system centralises all of the company’s information and related document processes. It is the cornerstone on which all employees and businesses rely. There are many different benefits:

Increased reliability of information

Facilitated access to information

Staff independence

Time saving

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Structure and automate document processes

Digitisation of key information is underway in many organisations. It quickly proves insufficient if it does not also embrace their transmission, processing and validation. In short: their management, which also implies digitising the document processes, which can take place on site as well as remotely.

An ECM also digitises the processes of your organisation and automates, through the creation of workflows, the tasks that lend themselves to it (revision, validation, distribution, archiving, etc.), drawing on a reliable information base that is available at all times. It therefore enables:

Increased productivity

More collaboration

Better supervision of workflows

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Circulate enterprise content

What is the point of information that does not reach its target? Within the company as well as in relations with your customers, there’s no, or almost no point! How do you ensure that the information reaches the right person at the right time?

It is precisely the role of an enterprise content management platform to publish on a centralised platform, or even proactively circulate, the content that interests its recipients and contributes to the performance of their assignments, regardless of the departments in question.

Facilitated communication with teams, customers, suppliers

Compliance with document processes

Compliance with deadlines

Increased satisfaction, both in-house and externally

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Track and secure enterprise content

The contents – documents, data, emails – are the lifeblood of an organisation; they enable it to carry out its assignments. If you are the victim of a cyber attack, or more simply a major handling error, your entity can quickly become paralysed.

An enterprise content management system is equipped with robust processes and technologies that ensure the security and integrity of its content base at all times. Through careful management of access and collaboration permissions, the implementation of password or encryption protection and the roll out of backup systems, an ECM contributes to the sustainability of your company.

Guaranteed traceability

Permanent versioning

Regulatory compliance

What are the benefits of enterprise content management software?

An ECM platform is a performance booster: its return on investment manifests itself at multiple levels.



productivity and quality of service

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the structure of a department or company

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regulatory or legal compliance

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magnifying glass


the company's intangible assets

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Increased efficiency

Using an ECM reduces information loss, errors and duplicates. Searching for information is all the more useful as the tool makes it possible to identify and process the right information in a timely manner.

Work comfort and productivity are improved, with significant impacts on the quality of service provided by the company to its customers.  

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Improve the structure of a department or a company

The roll-out of enterprise content management software is critical. It involves mapping the actions, the stakeholders and their levels of responsibility, the deadlines to be respected when carrying out a task, etc.

As such, ECM software contributes to making an organisation more efficient, without, however, bogging it down in binding document processes. 

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Ensure regulatory or legal compliance

Increased regulatory and compliance requirements place organisations under increased scrutiny for the management of classified or critical archive records.

Although ECM software programmes are not ISO certified as such, they contribute to obtaining these certifications. Your data is secure and complies with data privacy provisions (GDPR).

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Valuing the company's intangible capital

Les bases de connaissances, d’informations et de données ont considérablement augmenté. Elles constituent un patrimoine immatériel dont le poids va croissant dans les entreprises, même si elles sont souvent laissées en jachère faute de moyens.

Un ECM contribue à une meilleure gestion de ce capital immatériel qui contribue alors directement à la création de valeur dans les structures. 

The essential functional bricks of ECM

Enterprise content management software consists of a number of essential functional modules that complement each other to optimise the monitoring of information flows in the company.

Depending on the publisher, all of these bricks are packaged and delivered in the product or can be activated as and when required by the customer.

raw file

Multi-channel collection and dematerialisation

Categorisation / classification and indexing


Navigation and search


Creation of workflow, monitoring of a document process


Editing, collaboration and versioning


Traceability and safety

magnifying glass

Data analysis, statistics and reporting


IT integration

Request a demo

Because a demo is worth a thousand words, contact our digitisation experts for a personalised demonstration of our solutions.


of global growth


of weekly time in information research


of weekly communication / collaboration time


1 in 2 employees cannot find the information they are looking for

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