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Business Process Management
at the heart of your organisation

Processes are at every level of your organisation, whether it is public or private. To improve performance and quality of service, you can rely on a Business Process Management solution.

What is business process management?

In order to remain competitive, innovative, comply with regulations and satisfy customer or user demands, it is necessary to improve, correct and reinvent work processes in order to free up time-consuming tasks, make exchanges more fluid and guarantee quality of service.

Business process management consists of coordinating the way in which work is carried out, both within an organisation, a department and beyond your organisation.

Your information system does not cover 100% of your organisation’s business processes, and some processes are therefore slow, error-prone, risky and uncontrolled. A Business Process Management solution complements your information system with automated processes that streamline exchanges between departments or divisions, and make it easier and more secure to make decisions at the right time with the right information.

A Business Process Management solution addresses all business issues: quality, finance, human resources, legal, sales, support, etc.


Agility and governance


Customer and employee experience

time to market

Productivity and operational excellence

premium badge

Quality & compliance

Process management platform
for what needs, to do what?

Business Process Management software helps public or private organisations to improve and optimise their processes

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work processes

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access to the various processes

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business needs quickly

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Standardise work processes

Are you sure that the procurement, recruitment, ticketing or other processes are all handled in the same way regardless of the origin of the request?

A process management platform enables you to define a process that will run in the same manner for everyone, taking into account your management rules, the information required to move to the next step, as well as the deadlines to respect, for example.

Put an end to unsolicited requests, processes are now accessible and standardised.

Optimised employee experience

Compliance with governance

Improved performance

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Centralise access to the various processes

What are my priority tasks? Sorting emails, accessing certain business applications, not forgetting post-it notes: as many sources of information as tasks to be processed!

A BPM-type process management platform makes it possible to bring together all of a user’s tasks related to the various processes managed by the platform in a single space.

In one click, you have your “to-do list” only for processes where your intervention is needed. Put an end to requests without added value, copied emails, etc.

Time saving

Compliance with deadlines

Reduction of unwanted tasks

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Secure processes

Are you sure your processes are running exactly according to your management rules? Does each purchase order follow the workflow process defined according to the budget commitments, for example?

A business process management platform helps reduce operational risks, as each request precisely follows the workflow rules that were defined during process modelling. Each validation step is followed, the information is entered at the right time, for the right decision. All actions are tracked, which makes it easy to consolidate the decision-making workflow process.



Reducing operating risks

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Meet business needs quickly

It has become difficult to cover business expectations, the demands of which are increasing in terms of the information system. IT Departments are often unable to respond quickly to business requirements, and end up buying multiple vertical business applications, which don’t always meet requirements and lead to multiple data entries.

An alternative is to offer business process management software to quickly cover business expectations. The business is then involved in the definition of its application, thanks to a simple and non-technical graphic interface. No development is required to achieve a business application, and each business application has the same user interfaces, which facilitates their use.

The business plays a full role in developing its application

End of shadow IT applications

Rapid roll-out with no development required (No-Code)

Application standardisation

What benefits can you expect from process management software?

BPM software is a performance booster: its return on investment is manifested at all levels of your organisation.



operational performance

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inter-service exchanges

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risk management


operational risks

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Increase operational performance

BPM software distributes tasks to the right people, at the right time, with the right information. Dynamic forms guide the user in the performance of their tasks, without input error or loss of information. Time-consuming tasks are removed to make way for value-added tasks.

The employee experience is enhanced, and productivity improved for greater service quality.

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Facilitate inter-department communication

The roll-out of cross-functional processes using BPM software makes it possible to streamline communication between services and ensure an end-to-end process without interruption, unlike application silos. Tracking communication is guaranteed.

BPM software makes your organisation more efficient, more streamlined, serving the same purpose, customer satisfaction.

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Reduce operating risks

BPM makes processes more transparent and some automated tasks reduce the risk of human error. Each sequence is performed according to the management rules entered in the system.

The processes are under control, ensuring compliance with your management rules, for greater transparency.

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Increased agility

Your organisation is changing, your processes need to adapt easily and quickly. BPM software enables you to be agile by consolidating your processes graphically without any development required.

Your processes in line with your targets.

Process Management Platform: How it works

A business process management system is made up of various essential functional modules that will enable all the requirements of the business departments and the IT department to be met through a unified platform.

value chain


process and procedures

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the activity

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Request a demo

Because a demo is worth a thousand words, contact our digitisation experts for a personalised demonstration of our solutions.


Improved productivity


Improved reliability of data


Decompartmentalisation of the organisation


Cost reduction

Contact us !

Whatever your problem, do not hesitate to contact our experts