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Efalia ECM (ex FileDirector), an open ECM software programme that adapts to your needs and your IS

Efalia ECM becomes your unique document repository to centralise all documents in your organisation for better productivity and organisation.

With Efalia ECM, put an end to lost documents, and multiple, scattered versions, you have a cross-organisation content management solution to manage all the organisation’s documents (pay slips, business documents, patient files, user files, invoices, quality procedures, etc.) thanks to a library of comprehensive and intuitive features.

This content management solution meets the needs of the business department by complying with market standards, a sophisticated and open technological base to interface with your information system and, of course, with the other components of Efalia Suite. Efalia ECM supports you in the digitisation of your document flows.

The Efalia ECM platform is available in Saas or on-Premise mode.

Find out what's available

All the documents of the company or administration are stored in the ECM platform, it is then possible to analyse data and statistics to better manage your activity.


Multi-channel automatic scanning and filing of documents

Digitised from a scanner or natively digital, documents and emails are automatically filed in the content management tool. The principle of the solution is to digitally reproduce paper filing in cabinets. This system facilitates the implementation of filing cabinets, each having an associated filing plan according to your needs: nature of documents, in-house, external, etc.

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Multi-criteria full-text searching (OCR, indexing)

Once imported into the DMS, documents are indexed using metadata (or keywords) that will then enable them to be easily searched. The OCR (Optical Character Recognition) feature enables you to recognise the entire content of a document and search the entire document: full-text search.

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Document and business processes

The arrival of a document triggers a process that circulates the document from person to person, each having a precise task to be carried out: Validation or Refusal, Response, Choice of the next person. Processes can be configured based on metadata - an invoice amount can trigger a specific validation workflow, for example.

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Document life cycle management

The life of a document must be managed in order to make optimal use of it. Structuring the life cycle facilitates the operation and management of a company’s documents. The document created is destined to be shared, edited, signed, sent, etc. before being stored for an end of life according to the legal constraints depending on the nature of the documents.

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Traceability and versioning

The DMS becomes your document repository. A document is stored, saved in all its versions and time-stamped to enable its long-term archiving in an electronic safe, for example. Traceability will make it possible to attest to the authenticity of a document, particularly as part of the reliable audit trail.

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Completeness of files

Depending on the rules defined during configuration, you can track the completeness of the files, i.e. Only display complete or incomplete files. Regardless of the nature of the file (hiring, grant application, social assistance, etc.) this feature enables accurate and automatic management of your files to significantly improve processing times.

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Authorization management and security

The Efalia ECM platform allows for precise management of authorizations in order to respect the confidentiality of information and documents. The software meets the requirements of the RGPD and ensures the protection of personal data.

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Distribution - Archiving

With Efalia ECM software, you can diffuse information or documents to internal collaborators within the organization but also, if necessary, to external organizations such as partners or service providers using Efalia portal. Once the life of the document is over in the EDM, it is possible to continue archiving in a standardized tool compatible with the Efalia ECM solution: the Efalia Safe electronic safe, in compliance with the NF203CCFN standard.

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Why choose Efalia ECM?

Efalia ECM gives you control over the information in all your organisation’s content.

time to market

Efficiency and performance

With Efalia ECM, your organisation becomes more efficient with reduced processing times. All the data is stored in the DMS, searching is instantaneous, using keywords or in the entire content. Each employee is autonomous, they can access information on the go, at any time, no matter where they are. For multinationals or smaller organisations working in several languages, Efalia ECM is available in different languages.

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ECM software becomes your organisation’s unique repository for content management. You can centralise all the documents of the company or administration and thus manage all your document flows. You can standardise the integration of documents in the DMS thanks to the filing automation in dedicated filing cabinets with a filing plan of their own.

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Efalia ECM is developed on a solid  and proven technological base.

The GDPR mandates that authorisations be carefully managed to control access to data in the DMS. The management of access rights in the Efalia ECM software and views are recorded and logged.

Whether the platform is hosted on premise or in Saas mode, backups ensure the security of data and protect it from accidents and malicious acts.

Lastly, the traceability of documents required in many cases is ensured by time-stamping and logging actions in the Efalia ECM software.



Efalia ECM is an open solution for other software, whether it is digitisation software, business software (for example, managing social assistance requests, managing HR files, ERP, accounting, etc.) or digital archiving tools such as a Digital Safe. It is also possible to converge dedicated validation workflows to the Efalia ECM filing plan in order to centralise information and save data.

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100% configurable

Efalia ECM is fully configurable so that you can have a content management platform that suits you: Filing plan, index, authorisations, inter-folder link, life cycle, processes, etc.

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Efalia support

Efalia is also a team of experts in content management, working alongside you to support you in defining your requirements, modelling document processes, training and the perfect integration of our content management solution into your practices.

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Efalia offers a range of training courses on document management, administration and the use of our ECM software, as well as on the integration of Efalia ECM with your business applications. Our training takes place intra or inter-company, face-to-face or remotely.

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For your projects, we provide you with teams of consultants, specialists in digital documents in many sectors and businesses. We support you during the project management phases, with the digitisation of your documents, the installation of our solutions and the development of connectors.

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Third-party application maintenance

Efalia offers you additional operational functional support, aimed at optimising the use of our digital solution, beyond first-level support. This is the Alliance programme. In addition to solving any problems encountered, it includes monitoring the use of the product and improvement scenarios in how it is operated, in order to optimise their use.

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A trusted, secure cloud for critical services and strategic data. Efalia’s offer includes outsourced hosting and comprehensive operation by Efalia.

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Request a demo

Because a demo is worth a thousand words, contact our digitisation experts for a personalised demonstration of our solutions.

Efalia Suite

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Electronic Content Management

Facilitate information sharing and accelerate the digitization of document processes.

Citizen participation plateform

Have a citizen consultation platform to facilitate the active participation of citizens in public life.

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Business Process Management

Automate your business processes simply and easily with a Business Process Management platform.

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Output Management Software

Reinvent your documents and create quality, value-added documents for better customer communication.

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