What if the citizen experience was a core priority issue for you?

Public services (local authorities, town halls…) have to manage numerous user requests coming from a multitude of channels (email, mail, phone, social networks, …).
Requesters struggle to track their requests and repeat inquiries.
For agents, managing and tracking all requests is difficult, and it is almost impossible to have a transversal vision of interactions.
The user relationship with the public administration is therefore penalized because it cannot easily and quickly absorb all the requests from users.


Wasting time


Damaged relationship with the user

risk management 2

Risk of lost information

A URM/CRM solution effectively meets the expectations of users and your agents.

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Improve relations with your users

By digitising communication using a URM/CRM solution, you offer your users a catalogue of more than 100 remote services available at any time, using an electronic portal
Your users can find all the services offered and easily perform their procedures online. They save time, no longer need to travel and can perform their procedures at the time that suits them best, while centralising their documents in one place. They have all the practical information and tracking of their requests in the same interface, which is easy to use.

By digitising the procedures offered by your public administration, you significantly improve your communication and relations with your users!

Family, Sports, Association, Rights, Early Childhood, Roads, etc.

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Increased fluidity and efficiency

By digitising your users’ communication and procedures with an online procedure portal, you can easily store, centralise and process requests.

The process is thus sped up and simplified and you save time; all the steps are completed with any required supporting documents and user data.

  • You no longer need to re-enter the information in the different business software programmes and you reduce the risk of errors.
  • You can easily communicate with citizens.
  • You have a cross-functional overview of the steps.
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Easily manage your procedures and secure your processes

For the management services, you can easily track the processing of the steps of all services.
You can then manage the activity of each department.

With standardised workflows, you can secure the application processing procedures and guarantee that the data is complete.

Why choose Efalia URM?

easy use

A permanently accessible one-stop shop

For all users’ requests with a private and secure document space facilitating the procedures and tracking of requests.

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It is easy and secure to connect via France Connect. The platform is certified by the French IT security agency, Anssi .

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A multi-channel strategy to improve and optimise the processing of user requests and ensure that actions can be tracked.

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Activity monitoring

Comprehensive, real-time updated dashboards to manage service activity

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Configurable, with mobile capability, and easily integrated into your various business tools

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85% of the 250 administrative steps essential for daily life are performed online*


79% of French people believe that the digitisation of procedures makes life easier for citizens


Digital transformation of public services is a national goal

Request a demo

Because a demo is worth a thousand words, contact our user relationship management experts for a personalised demonstration of our solutions.

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