Electronic signature tool and electronic signatures: are they two separate things?

The digitisation of management processes has become essential for companies eager to increase their efficiency and productivity. Among the most widely used digital tools in this area is the electronic signature tool and electronic signatures. Although both these tools are often used interchangeably, it is important to understand their differences, and how they can work together.

signature efalia

The electronic signature tool is a tool that enables the management of document flows within a company. In particular, it simplifies and secures validation and signature workflow processes by replacing paper signature tools with digital signature tools. Therefore, documents can be signed electronically and circulated digitally between different stakeholders.

As for the electronic signature, this is a signature method which has the same legal value as the handwritten signature. It enables the electronic signature of documents, to ensure that their authenticity and integrity are guaranteed. This is particularly useful for companies that have to sign contracts, agreements, invoices or quotes in a rapid, efficient and secure manner.

The main differences between the electronic signature tool and electronic signatures is how they operate and their scope of application. The electronic signature tool can manage document flows within a company, whereas electronic signatures make it possible to sign documents electronically, while guaranteeing their authenticity and integrity. In other words, the electronic signature tool is a cross-functional tool to ensure validation workflows then to sign documents, whereas the electronic signature is limited to the act of signing the document itself.

When it comes to the particular advantages for companies, the electronic signature tool simplifies and secures document validation workflows, by reducing processing times and costs. It also facilitates the management of document flows and enables the monitoring of their traceability. As for electronic signatures, they make it possible to sign documents electronically, which reduces processing times and guarantees data security and integrity.

In conclusion, the electronic signature tool and electronic signatures are two complementary tools. By using them, you can become more efficient and productive, while guaranteeing data security and integrity.